How Long Is Beef Stock Good After Opened

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Does beef broth go bad? 3


Among many kinds of broth, beef broth is one of the most favorites for soups or stews. The basic components of beef broth are beef bones, different sorts of veggies like onions, carrots and celery, vinegar or juice to provide the acid, salt and water.

Homemade beef broth is perfect as it is very nutritious by containing beneficial minerals, healthy fats, collagen, amino acids, and more. However, the most common beef broth is consumed is the store-bought one because people seem to be very busy today. It still provides our health with some certain nutrients, but obviously cannot compare to homemade.

Whether you make your own beef broth at home or purchase from a grocery, the leftover broth is an unavoidable thing as we rarely use the entire can or the whole pot of broth that we have made.

We bet there must be a lot of questions come up to your mind now that how long this broth can last and does it go bad. And in this article, you will find out the answers to all your wonderings.

How long does beef broth last?

Thanks to preservation additives, an unopened store-bought can of beef broth is able to last 3 to 5 years in your pantry if properly stored.

Due to that long period of time, you don't need to worry if the expiration date on the label has passed because most of the best-by dates are from manufacturers that allow the broth to reach its best quality, not the safety time.

Once you open the can of beef broth, it can be safe in a fridge for 4 to 5 days and up to half of a year in a freezer. Similar to opened beef broth, homemade broth has a short shelf life, it stays fine for 3 to 4 days in a fridge and longer when being frozen.

How to tell if beef broth goes bad?

Normally, unopened beef broth is rarely to turn bad if there is no damage on the can and is stored in a suitable place. If there is anything wrong with the can like leaking, bulging or rusting, the content inside will definitely get spoiled, you better discard the can then.

When the homemade or opened beef broth has any signs of mold or greenish specks, develops an unpleasant and sour smell, it's time to throw it away to prevent any illness.

If it's too hard to smell or identify the spoilage with eyes, give it a taste before deciding to keep or toss the broth.

How to store beef broth?

You can simply store unopened beef broth at room temperature for a long period of time. However, make sure that the storage place is dry, dark and cool and the can is undamaged. It's unnecessary to keep an unopened can in a fridge or freezer since it won't help much to extend the shelf life of the broth.

Once the can is opened, you should keep the beef broth in the fridge or freezer to maximize the life span of this broth. The homemade beef broth should be stored this same way.

Can you freeze beef broth?

Yes, you can freeze beef broth in a freezer to make it last up to 6 months.

How to freeze beef broth?

Now you are going to learn how to freeze beef broth properly in just some simple steps.

Tips to freeze beef broth

  • Using an ice cube tray will allow you to thaw beef broth easier with the sufficient amount for each meal
  • If you freeze your homemade beef broth, make sure that it is completely cool before freezing
  • If you only keep the beef broth in a container or jar, remember to leave at least an inch head space of the jar to allow the broth to expand while freezing

Things you'll need to freeze beef broth

  • A freezer-safe container/ jar
  • An ice cube tray/ muffin tins

How to freeze beef broth in just 4 steps

  • Place the beef broth in an ice cube tray or muffin tins
  • Put the tray in the freezer for several hours to let the broth frozen
  • Transfer the frozen broth into a freezer bag or container

How to defrost/ thaw beef broth?

Now you are going to learn how to thaw frozen beef broth

Tips to defrost beef broth

  • Only defrost the amount that you intend to use in short term for best quality, also you don't waste time to refreeze it again

Things you'll need to defrost beef broth

  • A fridge
  • A bowl of hot water

 How to defrost beef broth in a fridge

  • Remove the broth from the freezer to the fridge
  • Let it thaw for several hours or overnight

 How to defrost beef broth in hot water

  • Remove the broth from the freezer and keep the bag/ container sealed
  • Submerge the bag in a bowl of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes

How to reheat beef broth?

Tips to reheat beef broth

  • Don't forget to stir the broth occasionally while heating the broth so it can be heated evenly

Things you'll need to reheat beef broth

  • A stock pot

How to reheat beef broth

  • After thawing the broth, pour the desired amount to a small stock pot
  • Heat over medium heat until you reach a simmer
  • Remove from the heat and use per your recipe


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